Third version of the resistance formula.
V i r v i v i r. V or e voltage e energy i current in amps i intensity r resistance in ohms p power in watts. Traditionally e is used for voltage energy but v is often substituted. Ohm s law is v i x r where v voltage i current and r resistance. Georg simon ohm was the bavarian physicist who determined the mathematical law of electric currents called ohm s law.
P v i p e i. Tap for more steps. V voltage in volts v i current in amps a r resistance in ohms or. If there is a voltage v across a resistor r a current i flows through it.
Multiplyboth sides of the equationby ii. In circuit analysis three equivalent expressions of ohm s law are used interchangeably. R v i. V i r.
If a current i flows through a resistor and there is a voltage v across the resistor. I can be calculated. Solve for v r v i. I v r.
I v r i e r. First version of the voltage formula. Second version of the current formula. R v i r e i.
One ohm is the resistance value through which one volt will maintain a current of one ampere. I v r or v ir or r v i. Following are the formulas for computing voltage current resistance and power. V i r e i r.
Where i is the current through the conductor in units of amperes v is the voltage measured across the conductor in units of volts and r is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms. V voltage in volts v i current in milliamps ma r resistance in kilohms k you must not mix these sets of units in the equations so you may need to convert betweenma and a or kand. Cancel the common factor.